1. Price trends The Cork property market has stabilized. Today’s CSO data figures show a 1.2% rise for the first time in 4 months outside Dublin. Daft in their most recent report for 2013 said there was a 0.1% rise in Cork prices in the first quarter of 2013. It’s a pity Daft don’t [&hellip...
Climbing on the property ladder: a first time buyer’s guide

There are a multitude of things a first time buyer needs to be wary of when buying a home. For reasons of clarity I am only going to outline the main ones in this article. Firstly and obviously finance is of paramount importance. Can you afford it? Simply put – can you afford [&hellip...
Wills and the importance of making a will

It is important to make a will as it ensures after your death that your assets are distributed according to your wishes. There are also some tax considerations involved and by leaving your assets in a particular way you can limit the tax to be paid by your beneficiaries. What if you die without [&hellip...
I was recently asked the difference between a summary offence and an indictable offence. Summary Indictable One Mode of trial Two modes – pre trial and trial Simple, speedy, and informal Complex, long, formal No Jury Jury Minor More Serious Can only be tried summarily Can be tried on indictment but also summarily. Time limits 6months(except...
Wills and the requirements for making a valid will

Deciding what happens to our assets when we die is a task most of us would prefer avoiding if at all possible. In fact the majority of us have old wills lying in solicitor’s offices that are no longer applicable and need to be updated. As we all know a will is a declaration in [&hellip...
A broken engagement can be a very painful and confusing experience. Aside from the emotional distress, the parties must decide: who keeps the engagement ring what happens to any wedding gifts they may have received what happens any property, for example, a house Expenses incurred in preparation for the wedding Legislation applicable The...
Disability Law and Jury Service
Is a person with a disability eligible to be a juror? Originally, there was an exclusive ban that persons with disabilities in Ireland couldn’t serve due to: ‘insufficient capacity.’ However, the position has changed now to how “practicable” it would be for a person who is deaf or blind to sit on a jury. Irish [&hellip...
Pension entitlements under the Personal Insolvency Act 2012 (“the Act”)

Bankruptcy occurs when someone is wholly or partially unable to repay their debts. The purpose of the bankruptcy is to distribute the assets of the bankrupt fairly among their creditors and protect them from their creditors. The distribution is done through a court official known as the ‘Official Assignee’. The current general rule for...
Maternity Leave Discrimination
Have you ever been discriminated against because of your gender – namely for being a woman? More importantly, has such discrimination ever been in connection with your pregnancy? Have you ever had the fear if you go out on maternity leave that when you return to work that your ‘old’ job will be given to [&hellip...
Disability and Employment Law
What happens if you have a disability and you are applying for a job and the pre-employment questionnaire asks you about your medical information? Should you disclose? What happens if you make a conscious decision to withhold information about your disability for fear that you will not obtain employment. Read below for more on Disability [&hellip...